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07/02/09 08:54 AM #104    

Michael Marshall

I also want to thank everyone that put this together for all their hard work and time to make this a great success for everyone. My wife and I had a wonderful time, despite having to leave a little early, and it looked like everyone else really enjoyed the evening. Looking forward to the picnic and hopefully the weather will cooperate to also make it a rousing success! So it all turned out well, the weather gods smiled down on us and the week as a whole was a success. Again, I want to thank everyone that was involved in putting this together (there were a lot and if I missed naming someone I would feel horrible)

07/02/09 09:53 AM #105    

Karen Atkin (Carlile)

Thanks to everyone who played a part in the success of the reunion. I am so happy I went, loved it and can't wait til the 40th one! Sorry if I missed some, but you know we all have changed a bit! But for those I got to visit with, it was great. Hope the website stays up as well, let us know what the cost would be and where to send $.

07/03/09 01:17 AM #106    

Cindy Crabbe (Alldredge)

I am so grateful for all of you who worked so dang hard for all of us.
My husband had a good time talking to people too. Thanks for being friendly to him.
What a time warp! I am still reeling with glee. What a beautiful setting too.
It was a smashing success in my opinion.
Again, much gratitude for everything. God bless. Cyndi

07/03/09 01:20 AM #107    

Cindy Crabbe (Alldredge)

Oh yeah, I would like to reach Val Weaver still. If anyone has any info please e-mail my profile site. She was such a dear friend to me and I really would love to reconnect to thank her for her kindness to the new girl on the block 30 years ago. It made a difference to me. Thanks for your help.

07/04/09 08:37 AM #108    

Bruce Roberts

I think that this was done very well & would like to thank those that made it happen! Thanks also to those that made me feel very comfortable & welcome...we really did go to school with some great people. Good luck to you all in the future! I would love to invite any one that would like to stay in contact to call me anytime.

07/05/09 10:09 PM #109    


Nha Nguyen

Hello friends. Thanks so much for a great reunion. Our family had a wonderful time, especially my 2 daughters. They said it is the best vacation by far, and this in itself make the drive from San Jose,CA worthwhile. Our deep appreciation to all of the members in the committee, Monette was working so hard behind the picnic table to make sure we were well fed, Carolee checking on everyone to make sure we were having a good time, Kip and Nick were everywhere, sorry if I left anyone out. Can't say enough to our photographer friends from Timp: Nathan and Bryan. They made me much better-looking than I am in real life, thanks guys. I second the motion with Tonya, let's make sure this website is always on by contributing as much as we can. See you all in 10 years, but 'til then, keep in touch.
P.S. Mary Ellen, I'm sorry for not being Gse Ping Liu, but I very much enjoyed the tight hugs lol.

07/16/09 05:43 AM #110    


Carolee Wilkinson (Adams)

Thank you to all that spent so much time and money so that all could enjoy the reunion! It was so much fun! We have about 10 DVD's left over if anyone is interested. They are $7 + $3 shipping/postage. You are welcome to donate that $10 to the reunion fund. Please contact Carolee Wilkinson Adams if you are interested...first come first serve only 10 left!

We had a great time at the reunion and we appreciate Bill Peterson's work putting together this DVD recap of the Class of 1979! Thank you!

07/21/09 01:58 PM #111    

Elizabeth Ellsworth (Ripplinger)

FINALLY I can get on a computer to post my gratitude:

Thank you everyone who knew how, and were willing, to make this reunion happen! What fun to talk to friends on this site, and then have such a nice dinner and program, and memorabilia, and picnic... without a huge fee! The "reeling with glee" expression is very appropriate, and I feel the same way. THANKS!!

08/20/09 01:08 PM #112    

Lisa Wardle (Hoswell)

Thanks for enhancing the messages so that we can see what we sent. I never did have a good memory and it is getting so much worse as time progresses. What are you going to do in another ten years when we all don't see very well? 72pt BOLD text? It is great to have this website and it will be fun to watch it evolve.

08/25/09 09:14 PM #113    

Scott Gunther

Craig Norman won the crossword puzzle game at the reunion. Two tickets to the BYU vs. Oklahoma game are his. Have fun at the game! Go coooogs!!

09/17/09 11:59 AM #114    

Lisa Wardle (Hoswell)

I just received this joke from a friend that also attended a reunion this summer. I thought that maybe . . . some of you would laugh.

Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, surely I can't look that old? I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist. I noticed his DDS Diploma, which bore his full name.

Suddenly, I remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name had been in my high school class some 30-odd years ago. Could he be the same guy that I had a secret crush on way back then?

Upon seeing him, I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, grey-haired man with the deeply lined face was way too old to have been my classmate.
After he examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended Morgan Park High School.

'Yes I did. I'm a Mustang' he replied with pride.
'Really! When did you Graduate?' I asked.
'In 1975, why do you ask?'
'You were in my class' I exclaimed.

He looked at me closely. Then, that ugly, old, balding, wrinkled, fat, grey-haired, decrepit, bleepbleep asked ME:

'What class did you teach?'

09/18/09 11:19 PM #115    


Kip Clark

LOL That's hilarious, Lisa! Thanks for sharing.

By the way, I hear that Dave Collins has returned to Arizona to continue his recovery. He's doing well,I think, but it's going to take time for him to heal from such a serious accident.


09/29/09 12:10 PM #116    

Lisa Wardle (Hoswell)

Idea (with no clue about how to implement) . . . could we do a once-a-year "Find the Classmate" campaign?

Perhaps we could designate a short period at a specific time of year (avoid the Holidays because everyone is busy vs. use them hard for people coming back to visit?) where we can all work together on specific, directed tasks, to find our missing or reluctant classmates. When found, we would invite our classmates to join us on this site and for the next reunion. If they were reluctant, perhaps we could make a note that they have been found, but prefer to not participate. Hopefully, most would be open to, at least, providing contact information so that we could say Hi occassionally. Maybe we could offer them several options when we find them i.e Found, but wants No Contact, Found, and will receive bulletins only, Found, and will recieve contact from individuals only, etc.

What does everyone else think?

11/12/09 06:54 AM #117    


Carolee Wilkinson (Adams)

Finding the missing classmate might even include: Missing in Action efforts! The issue may be that people were afraid to come back because of insecurities of the past,or feeling like life did not turn out the way they thought it would. Many were apprehensive about coming yet they did. Hopefully those that did not come will feel that we are all figuring out life & mistakes of the past are stepping stones to greater wisdom.

The great thing I learned after the reunion was that most people were not where they thought they would be 30 years from graduation. Life sent them in different directions. I recognized that true success was not measured by the bank account but by the character that one builds as a result of the lessons learned in life. You all are AMAZing to me! Great people, great stories, great life lessons. I am so glad I had a chance to see so many of you after all these years and I feel very fortunate that your influence and examples helped me to become the person I am today. Thank you for your influence!

11/21/09 10:04 AM #118    

Donald Peay

Life has been a busy blur since the reunioin. Got a few nice emial recently from classmates and a few phone calls. so this morning, i took a minute to reflect on teh 30th reunion.

It was a lot of fun, and everyone seemed to have a GREAT time.

There was a great reunion committee that did a fantastic job, thanks Kathy, Janet, Analee, Carolee, Kip, Neil, Randy, Mike, Scott and all who did such a fine job.

For the 35th, i will see if we can't get a few more sponsorships and get hotel rooms sponsored as well and make it a two day event. that was the only thing missing in my book, not enough time. And, we ought to be able to get the date and location scheduled two years out, so people can make plans. Also, this website helped get a lot of us connected and we can build on that. thanks Kip for keeping it going.

12/04/09 06:17 AM #119    

Shirley Headman

Hey Bulldogs! I posted some old elementary class photos on my profile, and could really use some help filling in some of the names I'm missing. If you'd please take a look and let me know if you can help fill in the blanks, or missing last names I'd really appreciate it. I went to Wasatch in Kindergarten, and to Franklin for 1st Grade and the first half of 2nd Grade. (Moved to Provost during Chrismas break) I don't have the class picture from Frankln 2nd Grade, if one of you out there might have a class picture that I'm part of, I'd love if you could send me a scanned copy. Please send me an email through my profile if you can help!


12/25/09 01:35 PM #120    

Scott Gunther


11/29/10 04:34 PM #121    


Keri Elliott (Eaves)

Hi Everyone,                                  Nov.29 2010

   This is Keri Elliott ,Wanted to tell everyone thank you for the messages and the invites. Iam laid off for the winter and would love to talk with all of you. So sorry I couldn't make it to the class reunion ,I wanted to so bad,but had to work .  I hope that some time we all get together in the winter time so that I can see everyone ,It would be so awesome .....Well I'll let ya go talk with you soon ...........Keri

12/25/10 03:51 PM #122    

Scott Gunther


04/08/11 07:53 AM #123    


David Harris

Those of you who attended Farrer will be interested in this obit from the Herald:


I see that Brian Banks left a comment on the site. Here's what he had to say:

bwb said on: March 31, 2011, 2:41 pm
I had Fred Merrill as my shop teacher back at Farrer Jr. High in the mid 70's. Great teacher! He made his classes a lot of fun. I wonder how many kids made those 'Thimk' signs in his 7th grade crafts class. The pin-hole cameras was another great project.

I'm sure Farrer was never the same after he retired.

My best to his family.
-Brian Banks

07/04/12 05:38 PM #124    

Scott Gunther

Hi everyone!!  hope everyone has a great summer 2012. Go Cougars!!

05/20/13 09:33 AM #125    


Kip Clark

Jon--Yes, there is talk of a 35-year class reunion next year. We have a preliminary committee organized, and we had our first meeting a few weeks ago. We hope to have an announcement soon. Right now, we are just checking out possible venues. Are you interested in helping?

08/16/13 08:39 AM #126    

Barton Woolf

     I received the announcement about the upcoming 35th Class Reunion recently and I have to admit that I am very excited.  I am looking forward to seeing all of you once again to renew our friendships and catch up on everyone's lives. 

     As time is slipping by ever faster it seems, I find that I have more gratitude for those individuals that have crossed my path especially from my youth transitioning into adulthood.  The memories of those whom I associated with and are currently enjoying become treasured moments that will always be priceless. Thanks so much Kip for keeping this site running so that we all can keep updated and in touch no matter how far the distance may separate everyone.

08/19/13 07:52 PM #127    


Kip Clark

Hi Barton,

I'm happy to hear that you are looking forward to the reunion next year. I am too, and I hope to see you there. Also, I'm glad you like the website. I didn't create it; I just maintain it. But I agree that it is a good way for people to keep in touch. If only we can get everyone registered, that will be a big help. So if you see anyone on the Missing Classmates list who you know, tell them about the site and have them create a profile, however brief.



01/11/14 09:34 PM #128    


Craig Matthews

I am curious if it is possible to put a facebook link on our profiles that would take people to our page.

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