PHS 35 year Reunion Photos

Your gratious greeter, Katy Clark (Taylor)

None of this would have happened without Janet Melville (Hatch) and Kip Clark at the helm.

Catching up after a few years

It took some distraction, but our photographer was able to catch a picture of the ever elusive Knute Knudsen
A wonderful setting, thanks to Zermatt resort

And the centerpieces were a great touch as well as the memoribilia and memory candle display thanks to Annalee Mildenhall (Rowley) and Cindy Crabbe (Alldredge)

Our emcee's for the evening, Bill Petersen and Neil Skousen

BYU's Air Force ROTC cadets preparing to present the colors. These young men did a fine job.

Michael Marshall, introducing a Tribute to our classmates and all that have served in our Armed Forces.

I'm stiil confused. Which one actually won "Man of the year"?

Donald Peay

       It can't be said enough. Thank you for your service to the United States of America.

It was like herding cats to get us to this, but we finally all got settled in for the picture.