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05/07/19 01:30 PM #154    

Jearlene Leishman

Just wanted to give a shout out to the committee that planned the 20th reunion and created this website.  In high school Glen Bowen and I weren't what you'd call friends.  Acqaintenances is more accurate.  Due to a common memory of a humiliating experience in Physiology senior year, (I'm looking at you, Dave Collins) we connected through the website and at the reunion.  (Can I just say that Glen is hilarious in his writing and in person.)  A few years after that I was diagnosed with melanoma and reached out to ask Glen a question.  He immediately called me, explained the procedure I needed to have, got me scheduled with the surgeon, and figuratively held my hand throughout the process.  This was an especially stressful time in my life as it was just a few months before my mother passed away from a debilitating disease.  Glen was, and continues to be, a real blessing in my life.  I would have missed that blessing if not for the website and the reunion.  So, a big thank you to them and him.

There were a lot of cliques in high school, but at that 20th reunion, and each one since, there has always been such a warm and welcoming feeling at the reunions.  We truly were blessed to go to school with wonderful people.  Thanks to the committees that have made them happen.

05/07/19 03:12 PM #155    


Kip Clark

That's very kind, Jearlene. And I agee that Glen is awesome! We've been best friends since elementary school. He has a great sense of humor and he's been a terrific friend. I hope you'll make it to the reunion this year and that you'll register ASAP. We could have a supreme court reunion. ;-)

05/08/19 02:31 PM #156    


Scott Woolley

Thanks Jearlene for sharing.  I remember Glen as a very kind, thoughtful, and funny guy. Reading your post has motivated me to come to the reunion. We have so many wonderful people in our class.  I hope I can make it work to be there.  Thanks to all who are making this happen!

05/08/19 02:56 PM #157    


Kip Clark

Hey Scott! Please do come if you can. It would be great to see you! :-)

05/17/19 10:03 AM #158    


Brice Hutchings

Kenneth Hafen and wife...Rest in peace :(  

07/07/19 08:17 AM #159    


Alan Jackman

Thanks everyone for a great reunion last night! That was a blast! 

07/07/19 01:39 PM #160    


Kip Clark

I second what Alan said. I think this was one of our best reunions yet. Great venue, decorations, displays, program, activities, food, etc. Thanks to those who generously doanted money, resources, time, talent, energy, and enthusiasm. Thanks especially to the committee who made the whole event possible. And finally, thanks to all of you who came and talked, relaxed, joked, danced, made others feel welcome, and had a good time. We love you all!

07/07/19 10:52 PM #161    


Shaunna Hindmarsh (George)

Indeed! A big thanks to Jearlene and Kip for the encouragement to come, and thank you to the reunion crew for the time, planning, and reaching out. It was a delightful evening. It was good to sit among fellow Bulldogs and renew and kindle friendships. (And yay Table 10--we were lucky enough to snag the win in Kip's 1979 trivia game!) Again, thanks for the smiles, fun, and memories. Bulldogs forever!

07/08/19 02:07 PM #162    

Jearlene Leishman

A big thank you to all those on the committee and those that volunteered their time and efforts.  The reunion was a big success.  I appreciate your efforts to make it possible to see old (in both senses of the word) classmates. We are blessed to have attended school with wonderful people.

07/10/19 07:16 PM #163    


Nha Nguyen

A big THANK YOU to all. It was wonderful to see old friends and to meet new ones. Thank Tonya for a big hug😍. Although I don’t know if it was for me or for Gse Ping LiuπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

07/11/19 10:36 AM #164    

Tonya Carter (Hamby)

Nha nguyen. It was good to see you again
And of course the hug was for you. So glad you made the trip and made it home safely. See you in 5 years

07/11/19 02:09 PM #165    

Kurt Kragthorpe

I'd like to add my thanks to the committee as well. I know how much sacrifice of time and effort went into making it all hapen. 

03/22/20 08:57 AM #166    

Scott Gunther

Hello classmates, this is a very challenging and trying times that we are in right now. reach out to classmates that might need encouragement and help of any kind,  spread your love around. I hope everyone is doing OK and we will get through this.

03/22/20 09:11 AM #167    

Scott Gunther

Classmate, just one more thing, the last  reunion was fantastic thanks for everyone who attended and especially all the hard work planning the event, hang in there everybody, Lets all of us kick this virus in the butt and get through these strange times. Over and out.. Scotty G.

03/22/20 12:25 PM #168    


Kip Clark

Great to hear from you, Scott! Stay safe, everyone.

03/24/20 07:22 AM #169    


Carolee Wilkinson (Adams)

It has been challenging but very insightful.  I’m finding time to play and enjoy family as we create new ways to keep in touch.  It’s a time to be still and be grateful for the little things we have and the amazing people that have surrounded us in our lives.  I appreciate the treasured friendships of my childhood friends and the incredible people they have become!  I am so grateful for the influence so many of my classmates had in my life and look forward to the day when hugs are welcome and friendships are reunited.  Life has a way of helping us remember what is most important.

03/24/20 12:24 PM #170    

Nikki Pino


08/27/20 07:44 PM #171    


Brice Hutchings

Happy birthday Nikki, you old man :)


01/31/23 06:29 PM #172    


David Harris

Howdy, Class of ‘79:


This is Dave Harris of TimpView’s class of ‘79. I knew a lot of you during our time at Farrer together, so I requested to be a guest on this site.


I thought you might like to know that Jeff Goates of Provo High’s class of ‘79 and I joined forces recently to make an album together. We'd love to have you hear it if you are interested. 


The quickest and easiest way to listen would be to click on this link on your laptop or desktop computer and listen right on the BandCamp website:


However, if you are a subscriber to any of the major music services, you can find us there, as well, by searching on the album name, Likely Story, and/or the band name, The Tree Streets. 


We have made up a limited number of CDs, as well, in case anyone is interested.


We’re pretty happy with the results of our April studio sessions in Denver, so we’re planning to go out to 25 bpm studios in Denver again toward the beginning of summer 2023 and make another album. If you’re interested in following our progress, let Jeff or me know, and we’ll make it a point to keep you in the loop.




Dave Harris


05/09/23 05:55 PM #173    


Trevan MacArthur

Cool memory of Principal Ron Last - I married the summer of 1984, when both I and my wife (Sondra Driggs, TVHS '81) were in school at BYU.  I went to Lowe's or a DIY shop of some sort and got cinder blocks and 4' x 1' boards to throw a bookshelf together for our apartment.  Mr. Last was also at the shop at the time and asked what I was doing.  I told him, so he told me to follow him to PHS.  He took my boards and used a router to put a nice edge on them, then stained them and sent me home with two nice gifts:  one was the nicer bookshelf than I planned.  Second, such a nice gesture of someone I knew that still cared about me and was willing to go out of his way to do something kind for a former student.  Oh, and a third thing.  A warm memory and example of how to treat lift others.  Thanks, Mr. Last.

05/21/23 10:37 AM #174    

Nikki Pino

Our good friend Alan Jackman has cancer.  Let us all use the link below and help him in his time of need. Please send prayers for him and his family.

Alan Jackman Cancer Fund, organized by Linda Nelson.                                                                                        I would really appreciate if you can help share this fundraiser.

11/20/23 05:38 AM #175    


Allen Miner

Since it takes just a little bit of planning to come from Tokyo to Summit, let me be the first to throw my hat in the 45th renuion ring.  It's not the big "50" but I do hope (Michiko &?) I will get to catch up with at least 45 of our fellow bulldogs next July.  Watching this space...

11/20/23 02:39 PM #176    

Nikki Pino


So glad that you're going to make the trek to the Rockie Mountains. Keep us up on your travel plans. It'll be great to see you!

07/17/24 02:27 PM #177    


Leslie Eddington (Tanner)



I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Kip, Annalee, Nik, Janet, Trevan, Steve, Lance, and Anita ( I'm sure I am forgetting some- if so insert your name here___). You all went to great lengths to make the 45 th reunion so fun! It was so well organized and everyone felt welcome! It was great to visit with many old friends! Thank you for all your planning and efforts! Leslie Eddington Tanner


07/17/24 07:33 PM #178    


Scott Woolley

I would like to echo what Leslie said. It was really very well done!  it has been many years since I hava been to one of these, and I am very glad it worked out for us to be there this year!  It was delightful to see old friends, share memories, and catch up on all the amazing things people in our class are doing.  

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