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•   Scott Killian  7/10
•   Randy Johnson  7/6
•   JoLyn Cannon (Oliver)  7/3
•   Nancy Olson (Higgins)  6/27
•   Brice Hutchings  6/24
•   Celya LeFevre (Singleton)  6/19
•   Sandra Manning (Koon)  6/12
•   Anita Barney (Stansfield)  5/30
•   Jo Billings (Dewey)  5/28
•   Jearlene Leishman  5/28
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

6 live in Arizona
10 live in California
9 live in Colorado
1 lives in Florida
3 live in Georgia
3 live in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kansas
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
2 live in Montana
3 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Dakota
2 live in Texas
170 live in Utah
1 lives in Virginia
6 live in Washington
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Alberta
2 live in Germany
1 lives in Hong Kong
1 lives in Japan
80 location unknown
44 are deceased



Percentage of Joined Classmates: 69.1%

A:   224   Joined
B:   100   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Video commemorating our 45 year reunion (many thanks to Lance Douglas)

Group picture for the 45 year reunion.

We did it! Such a great time for all who came! It was fun to reconnect, visit, laugh, hug, remember, and contemplate. So many highlights from this reunion. We also took the opportunity to honor some of our former teachers (Merill Webb and Lind WIlliams joined us at our reunion this year), Thanks to our tireless committee and to all those who contributed. And thanks to all who came.

You can view photos from the events (both the breakfast and the dinner), courtesy Bryan Chapman and others, by clicking here. More photos and a video to come soon, we hope.

And don't forget our videos on YouTube and on Facebook.

Do you remember?


Group Picture for the 40 Year Reunion

Click on the group photo to enlarge


40th Reunion slideshow with videos



Combined Breakfast slideshow

Video memorial - 40th reunion - honoring members of the Class of '79 who have passed on. 

Thank you Bryan Chapman for creating this video!



Eric Chamberlain  8/2
Randy Goode  8/3
Weston Pace  8/6
Diane Barnes  8/7
Jamie Bonnett  8/8
Todd Horsley  8/10
Daniel Rowley  8/22
Laura Baum (Borget)  8/24